Blog Posts by wetvenom

Added: 2018-10-30 14:59:32
# Link to the post in wetvenom's Blog
I'm new here. A few of my ex-students reccomended this site and it looks pretty cool. Are there any rules I should know about, things I shouldnt do to **** off the community? Any other suggestions?
Discussion: (57 comments)
  • 2018-10-30 15:10:54

    In regards to members of the site: Don't steal other people's art and don't act like you're the best thing since sliced bread. In other words: just be a nice dude and be earnest. ^^

    The site admins will get ticked off if you share your stuff from here elsewhere without a whentai watermark, but basically nobody else cares if you do because it's a dick rule.

    Certain particular users get ****y if so much as a single line in your work was traced from somewhere else or if you don't do art exclusively "for the sake of the art and the craft itself", but you don't need to mind those people too much unless they really get in your face about it.

    I think that's about it?
    Welcome and best of luck to you~

  • 2018-10-30 15:11:53

    No ******** characters (Lisa Simpson, Penny Gadget, etc.) unless they look like grown-ups
    No ******s at all, no anthropomorphs: no furry ears, no tails, no half-wolves, half-dogs, half-werewolfs, furries, etc.
    No ****
    No Zombies (human beings with rotten parts of the body) or Undead (too pale body) or Alien-looking characters - only human beings
    No monsters (freaky aliens with horns and creepy skin) or tentacles (by any means)
    No ******** characters from the list: Pokemon Show/Game, Princess Peach, all such works will be transferred to non-public works, except what you want

  • 2018-10-30 15:21:02

    Oh, and to clarify a point Chomek1 just made:
    If you do anything that looks even VAGUELY like a non-standard vanilla human being, it will either be privatized (available only to VIP members and invisible to everyone else) or it gets removed or you get warned by the admins. It depends on how big you are on the site, really.

    If you're really populare then you can get away with doing non-humans with a mere slap on the wrists or not even that (whentai only cares about money, after all), but if you're a minor contributor then the admins might do whatever.

    Even something as simple as "her ears are pointy" or "her skin is a bit pale" is enough to trigger the "that's not a human, that's an alien!!!!!" alarms. Admins are really overly strict about it unless you're populare.

  • 2018-10-30 15:25:44

    Well certain Particular peoples get angry and salty if you Steal others work... the part with Tracing took DeepDarkMemes kinda differently than it was meant when I was pointing it out...
    Quite interesting style and kinda weird way to draw dick- it reminds me Tram Pararam pictures

    Btw Im that dick first comment was talking about, Nevermind Good luck around

  • 2018-10-30 15:26:16

    Considering the subject matter, thats some serious stuff to take in lol Luc****y I don't get many requests for non-humans, i do have some zombie pieces but I didnt post them. As for the ******** stuff, we always get requests for them any artist will tell you that, but you couldnt pay enough, I just ignore them. The request itself is offensive to me.

  • 2018-10-30 15:27:33

    I don't need to steal others work I create my own. But I gave up chasing my work around the web ages ago. I just watermark it and free it to the world lol

  • 2018-10-30 15:33:57

    Also... the ads on this site have ****** characters and some suspicously aged characters... thats amusing lol

  • 2018-10-30 15:34:52

    The thing is I was pointing out theres posibility to get payed for drawing even tho you simply cant draw... but fuck it I did wrote way to much allredy... and It did turned into Pewdipie Meme ...

    One thing that catched my interest-". A few of my ex-students reccomended this site and it looks pretty cool" like what the fuck was you teaching them? :D

  • 2018-10-30 15:35:27

    Yeah the ads are kinda trolling the system

  • 2018-10-30 15:59:31

    My point about tracing was more so meant to point out that people here have various opinions on how much work you must put in before you can say that your work is "yours."

    RoyHaynner gets very upset if you don't draw your own backgrounds or if you trace a reference pic for any reason other than pure practice, even if it's what you've been explicitly hired to do. (He cares a lot about the craft itself, I believe.)

    Most people don't really care though, so long as you deliver a finished picture that looks like what they want from you. Plenty of commissioners will in fact EXPECT you to get as close to the provided references as possible.

    My real point is simply that you might get **** for it no matter what you do (because there are users here on every stage of the scale), but don't let other people here tell you how you should do your art.

    If you want to trace the body from the reference you're given then you go ahead and do that.

  • 2018-10-30 16:08:24

    LOL I haven said anything about Backgrounds once... HotVR did- not trying to blame him just wanna say "Get your facts together"

  • 2018-10-30 16:17:31

    Dont believe me? Use CTRL-F and search for background.... I even said Ive done that too...

  • 2018-10-30 16:40:55

    For whole time I was saing that Reference doesnt mean "Line by fucking line copy work" and was making fun of you folks who just cant understand it... I also havent notticed anybody saying "I would want exactly this picture again with different face" theres usualy "I would want this pose"-and theres just soo many ways to go about it and do "your fucking work" other than "Yeah I dont have to think, I dont have to really draw" win situation...

  • 2018-10-30 17:08:52

    WetVenom sorry for spamming your question- I just hate having my words twisted to prove point of some ashole

  • 2018-10-30 18:53:42

    I did (unintentionally) mix your words up with HotVR's, I apologize. That's my bad.

    It's admittedly a little hard for me to keep track of what you've said since you've intentionally written some troll posts and exaggerations along with your genuine ones. That's not intended as criticism, it's just a note I wanted to mention.
    (Your also tend to post a LOT of small comments here and there rather than summarize your point the first time. ^^)

    Overall it doesn't change my point though, that there are lots of people here whom have different opinions on how much effort has to go into your work. I would argue that essentially any amount of effort is fine so long as you don't literally take another picture and claim it as your own, on the basis that all that truly matters at the end of the day is that the commissioner is happy with the results and there's no deception involved.

    As a commissioner myself, I couldn't care less if the artist does the work lazily so long as I approve of the resulting product. If anything, I go out of my way to allow the artists I commission to have to do as little work as possible whenever I can, because then they can choose for themselves how much dedication they want to put into it.
    People who are passionate like you can put however many hours you want into it, while the less passionate (or fortunate) artists can simply get it done as fast as possible and get paid.

    Apologies to WetVenom for the influx of posts in this blogpost. :S

  • 2018-10-30 19:01:56

    Seems a little longwinded. But the gist is - You do what you do as an artist, Read the ToS, Message Support or me for any concerns, you can offer your availability and price/terms here requests or see what commissioners are advertising and place a offer to do a work here

  • 2018-10-30 19:12:28

    And amazing work , How do you keep motivated on backgrounds alone as an artist? - Fortunately its not a major expectation here but i'll never understand the patience you guys have.

  • 2018-10-30 20:01:58

    DeepDarkMemes Yeah you do have a point for this site... Im mentaly still more on DeviantArt and simmilar pages... so lets say we both have our truth and you're the one more on point
    +about lot of comments sorry Im not getting whole answer on the time, Im drawing a picture and listening to music at the moment and well Multitasking most of the times doesn't work
    - I allredy went full out dick and ****ed Admins with it too... So im shutting up cuz even tho I do believe that I do have some truth in it- this trully aint about Art at first place- its more about getting the visualization of someone's Fantasies...

  • 2018-10-30 20:57:52

    huh?How did you mix up his words with mine? Let me copy my point from the other post "artist doing "tracing" 1:1 on a reference picture are just damn lazy. It is called a reference not a copy. Every artist takes references, even the best ones, no shame on that but it gets a whole different story if you copy it 1:1 and put a blurry background from the internet on it" please tell me if my point is different then the one from roy.

  • 2018-10-30 21:00:15

    "Certain particular users get ****y if so much as a single line in your work was traced from somewhere else" way to exagerate. Care to explain?

  • 2018-10-30 21:35:47

    Guys dont spam newbie there... Subscribe to pewdipie

  • 2018-10-30 21:48:28

    Well, to break up the tension I just wanted to say good luck and to be careful about drawing anything that remotely represents a non-pure human because I made that mistake on my first paid piece here haha. But yeah other than that welcome to the community :)

  • 2018-10-31 00:01:58

    Sad is we all have truth in way... still fight goes on...

  • 2018-10-31 10:26:42

    As a customer, not an artist, if I can offer you any advice it would be" communication is everything" when ever in doubt, request is confusing, reference image/character is not clear, or if you're busy and gonna miss the deadline, just let the customer know.
    I know it's obvious, but unfortunately not all do so ^^"
    And good luck, you're art style is amazing

  • 2018-10-31 10:59:05

    @RoyHayner I had students online, I was mentor until recently. Charlie Eastbourne, Sakimoto Ayame, Ned9... all were my students for 6 months. Saki passed recently with cancer, charlie retired to do ***s books, but Ned9 is still active to my knowledge
    @TOFUK The backgrounds? Well there are places to go to get royalty free backgrounds, where as i dont use the exact background, I do change them, 50% of the time I draw my own. The trick though, is to work the background first, then do the scene, or it will never get done lol I'm terrible for it. Like eating, eat all the trees and save the cow for last.
    @HotVR When I first started I used to "trace" but I found the bodies ended up too perfectly human and just looked like a head stuck on a real body. The trick is to trace, then redraw, making sure you change some positions, legs, add clothes, ect - all artists, especially hentai artists use reference, but for me, the pose is like number 5 on the list, the stuff, the locations, everything around it is whats important.

  • 2018-10-31 11:05:38

    Make no mistake though, if I ever get told to trace or use an exact background, I will tag a source mension. I have used backgrounds from Akira, Dominion Tank Poilice, you have to call these out, if you dont, someone will call you out, then you lose credibility.

  • 2018-10-31 11:09:46

    @Xhura My commissions are quite expensive, I'm not a cash grabber, but it's to keep my backlist down to a bare minimum. When I except a commission, I will take days scourcing, watching the source movie to get a personality feel, I dont just put heads on porn, all the personalities fit too. Along with what you've said, I'm working with the client all the time. Non communication is a huge no-no... I would be seriously ****ed if were just left hanging

  • 2018-10-31 11:10:23

    @TOFUK The backgrounds? Well there are places to go to get royalty free backgrounds, where as i dont use the exact background, I do change them, 50% of the time I draw my own. The trick though, is to work the background first, then do the scene, or it will never get done lol I'm terrible for it. Like eating, eat all the trees and save the cow for last.

  • 2018-10-31 12:49:45

    @Wetvenom wow, that's dedication and professionalism ! no wonder your art is so good, I salute you ^^

  • 2018-10-31 12:59:14

    @Wetvenom much respect for you sir. Your art is looking very professional

  • 2018-10-31 20:32:50

    You know its quite difficult to find two original styles being simmilar like yours and this sakimotoayame
    The way of shading, the drawing of veins and all that stuff in background...
    Strange aint it? Not assuming anything by the way

  • 2018-10-31 21:18:56

    I do think its both same person, so Its more like why to go with all that "Im new my students suggested me this" story?

  • 2018-10-31 21:32:26

    ha we are very different lol although her art is different if you remove the colour. if you look at her early stuff, like charlies, the colouring was very different. i only teach colouring not the art in itself

  • 2018-10-31 21:35:07

    @royHaynner ha we are very different lol although her art is different if you remove the colour. if you look at her early stuff, like charlies, the colouring was very different. i only teach colouring not the art in itself - i use a voilet multiply way to shade whereas saki had a very rigid colour pallete, she only used specific grouped tones. But I'm more than happy to be compared

  • 2018-10-31 22:11:23

    @Wetvenom Saki had great flair for her art churning many commissions out. I was friends with her on facebook when the news broke. Did you ever meet her or was it an online tutoring. Charlie's work is great also. Is Charlie a he or a she? lmao

  • 2018-10-31 22:25:40

    I just mean considering last picture there was 7 months back... I do see that theres difference but in that time you/she could evolve into more of your gallery... like I mean her recent stuff is close to yours... dunno

    What made me think that is few details there
    *Bulge close to tip of dick
    *Purple collor on Weins(well I did that too on few pictures but Im lazy to do them)
    *Theres simmilar lumi points
    *Both have red faces... blushes or how is it said

    But also You both do FLuids differently and hairs are quite different in lines and collors

    It does look really like one persons work over time, and I did pointed it out cuz its not classy Anime copy kind of drawing style- hopes youre not offended, I probably wrote that I see similarity in way like "I see bul****... youre busted" kind of way,... sorry

    I personaly was learning from Reiq and Shadbase drawings... but went kinda into Dark Lilith coloring sheme

  • 2018-10-31 22:27:06

    Black lilith... google Taimanin Asagi, I dont like story of these games but I love the art style

  • 2018-10-31 22:27:52

    @AdrianHedger no were seperated by about 5000 miles. We Emailed and Skyped mostly. I'm british she was American or Japanese-American. Did you know her personally? I'm very suprised if not, she was very choosy about accepting friend requests, I wasnt allowed on it either. hahaha @ Charlie is a rather angry and bitter feminist lol But her work is near identical except she does alot of gay stuff, she likes drawing men in pain lol

  • 2018-10-31 22:33:33

    @RoyHaynner trust me it is an honour dont apologise, she surpassed me in many ways and we completed some together. I'm really envious of Shadbase, I would love to be able to go to the levels of depravity he does, I just cant bring myself to do it lol Hentai is legal over here, but his stuff (some of it) would get me 6 months in prison. lol No i'm not offended, i'm honoured. Can you send me a link to your work?

  • 2018-10-31 22:35:34

    My work...I do have lot of stuff locked away from anybody- cuz I do have a fucking mess in everything

  • 2018-10-31 22:36:03

    I get it you collabed and it influenced both of you

  • 2018-10-31 22:36:17

    @RoyHaynner she was very good at mimicking styles, I can do some altering styles, but mine is mostly based on Myriad Colors Phantom World, with custom alterations to make it my own.

  • 2018-10-31 22:38:24

    @Royhynner locked away? now i'm intriged lol

  • 2018-10-31 22:38:59

    I do get it, If I shall pick something to send-External

  • 2018-10-31 22:40:01

    I mean Im quite messy person- I do have over 70 pictures in cloud... 20 in folder to submit and like 1000 of unfinished work

  • 2018-10-31 22:41:00

    + theres folder of my attempts to take different styles- not quite happy with most of it
    I do like how I drawed Leela tho External

  • 2018-10-31 22:41:22

    @Wetvenom ROTFLMAO angry and bitter feminist - joker. Do you have charlies email? Want to commission her

  • 2018-10-31 22:45:09

    But best thing to show is this
    even tho admins dont want to help me switch file for one with really drawed pussies
    And this mt-ladys-new-costume
    and maybe - violet-parr-future-events

    You know rest of gallery there is just sad, I didnt believed into whole hentai stuff and its quite vissible that I took short way with drawing for time

  • 2018-10-31 22:46:25

    @RoyHaynner I love them. You have a keen eye for shape and form. My style restricts me from adding muscle tone, I'd love to colour one of your inks one day.
    @AdrianHedger yes [email protected] its her business mail so its fine sharing it. Just be very direct, she'll flick you if you shirt the issue lol

  • 2018-10-31 22:52:50

    Colour my line? Now Man you do have my interest, but last person who coloured my line had to go through External

  • 2018-10-31 22:54:08

    I mean Im in, just pick a character Ill do some work between insanity of last comment and this
    casey-lineart -this one is way to easy honnestly

  • 2018-10-31 22:56:10

    + for fun: some time back somebody *******d my lineart- External
    I dont wanna be mean but it does hurts my eyes

  • 2018-10-31 23:04:50

    @RoyHaynner lol omg I hope you didnt pay lol okay I'm in, send me the ones you want to me to do and I'll choose one. I don't get many opportunities to work with others coz most find iit offensive. If I get the time I'll do a process video of it. Send me some lines, if you have a fav thats coloured with no inks, ill reink it for you, providing its big enough to work with. Im working on some comms, but once done ill give it a go for you. [email protected] - I need to ***** now lol

  • 2018-10-31 23:12:34

    I do need ***** to(4 hours till school lol) I would rather do something new for you only... like I do think collaboration shall have same amount of work on two sides and cheating you with some older line aint right thing to do

  • 2018-10-31 23:14:18

    I mean you do give it your time- so I wanna give it my time too

  • 2018-10-31 23:23:18

    So pick some Character Im going to record it too
    (you said others find it offensive, I dont I love it... Its better than just draw draw draw... and post post post, this is more interactive, way to progress as an artist- see my stuff done differently may open my eyes...)
    And you my friend have really unique and really good to look at style... + check @HotVR
    hotvr cuz this man got also really good looking gallery

  • 2018-11-02 02:19:34

    Alwats late to the party, but welcome to whentai, pal!

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